
Human Rights Policy and Labor Policy

The TSUGAMI Group understands that the human rights of all people impacted by its business activities must be respected and has established the TSUGAMI Code of Conduct as its basic guidelines for corporate activities, identifying "respect for human rights" as a principle of action. We are committed to implementing initiatives to foster respect for human rights in line with the International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenants on Human Rights), the International Labor Organization (ILO) Declaration, the United Nations Global Compact, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We will use this consideration for human rights as the basis for promoting diversity management, aimed at creating a pleasant and rewarding workplace where everyone can fully demonstrate their individual skills and share diverse values.

The Sustainability Committee will coordinate the planning, management and operation of initiatives based on the human rights policy set out below.

  • We respect the human rights of all employees, regardless of the form of employment. We also ask all our business partners to support and comply with our policies on social activities and collaborate with them to fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights.
  • We respect diversity, and never engage in discrimination or harassment on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, age, gender, disability, or any other factor that has no relevance to our legitimate business interests.
  • We do not tolerate any form of forced labor or child labor or any form of modern-day slavery.
  • We respect basic labor rights, including workers' rights to organize and bargain collectively and to participate in collective action.
  • We build a human rights due diligence framework and continuously implement human rights due diligence. We also identify human rights issues and seek to prevent or minimize any issues.
  • We also take advantage of the human rights expertise of independent third-party organizations and engage in dialogue and discussion with relevant outside stakeholders.
  • We seek to embed compliance with laws and regulations and principles relating to human rights into our business activities by making all officers and employees aware of our human rights policy and providing them with appropriate human rights training.
  • We publicly disclose our human rights policy and the process and results of its implementation.

Human rights and labor initiatives

Ensuring a safe and pleasant workplace

The TSUGAMI Group strives to maintain a healthy and safe workplace free from discrimination and harassment.
Sexual advances or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, racist or religious slurs or jokes, and other verbal or physical conduct which creates an unhealthy working environment or disregards an individual's personality are not tolerated in the workplace.

Promoting diversity

The TSUGAMI Group sees human resources as the foundations underpinning sustainable growth. It is, therefore, important to accept the values and uniqueness of every individual who supports our business, regardless of race, religion, nationality, age, gender, disability or personal background, and to respect diversity. We are pursuing the development of a working environment which allows all employees to fully demonstrate their unique skills and aptitudes and the creation of an organizational climate which allows the active participation of diverse human resources.

Zero tolerance of discrimination and harassment

The TSUGAMI Group will never discriminate against prospective or current employees upon recruitment, employment, promotion or other occasions on the grounds of race, religion, nationality, age, gender, disability, or any other factor that has no relevance to its legitimate business interests.

Establishment of fair and equitable personnel systems

To get the most out of individual employees, it is necessary to fairly evaluate each individual employee based on his or her role and accomplishments and to strive to treat, train and utilize them properly according to this evaluation.
We try to ensure the transparency and fairness of evaluations by conducting interviews in which employees assess their own accomplishments and any outstanding issues with their managers.

Whistleblowing system

All TSUGAMI officers and employees are encouraged to report any breaches of laws or regulations (or any potential breaches) immediately upon discovery. To enable such concerns to be reported promptly and dealt with properly, we provide and maintain a whistleblowing system for reporting through an independent, separate chain of command. We also ensure that TSUGAMI officers or employees who report such information in good faith are handled fairly and courteously. We protect whistleblowers against retaliation and maintain their anonymity.